Thanks to generations of myths and misinformation, the mere mention of a head lice infestation at school is enough to send some parents into panic mode. However panic, we’ve discovered, has absolutely no effect on whether a child picks up head lice ;) but a little education and watchfulness… that’s a different story!
Preventing head lice is easier and more pleasant for kids and parents and a good routine will make it much less likely that your child will be affected.
Daily steps to help prevent head lice (especially during an outbreak)
- Secure long hair in a bun or a plait to minimise ’hair-to-hair’ contact. Check out our cutehead lice prevention hairstyles here.
- Apply a repellent like NitWits Anti-Lice & Detangling Spray to deter and defend against lice daily.
Weekly steps to help prevent head lice
- Thoroughly check children’s hair for lice and eggs. Check out our 3-step guide to checking for head lice here.
Important: NitWits creator Nadine Ismiel-Nash recommends regular checks for head lice throughout the year.
“I definitely recommend making regular checks a habit…. Once a week is ideal.
Some parents will start checking when children start scratching but this isn’t a reliable symptom as less than half of children scratch as a result of head lice infestation."