Getting rid of head lice can be a tedious and frustrating task but the issue needs to be treated to ensure the head lice life cycle is stopped. A rushed treatment could result in lice and eggs being left behind.
See below for a step-by-step guide on 2 different methods of treating head lice.
How to Get Rid of Head Lice: NitWits All-In-One
A head lice treatment like NitWits All-In-One works by paralysing, suffocating or dehydrating the lice. When applying the treatment ensure the entire scalp and hair are saturated by the solution. Massage into the scalp and hair for five minutes to ensure the treatment properly saturates the hair and leave in for 20 minutes. You may comb out the lice and eggs if you wish however there is no need to do so for the product to be effective. Shampoo out as normal after treatment time.
How to Get Rid of Head Lice: NitWits Anti-lice and Detangling Spray
Combing is a traditional method of removing head lice and eggs from the hair. Some products may suggest removing these with your fingers, however, it is best to use a specialised lice comb to ensure complete removal. Eggs that are left in the hair while untreated will hatch in 7 – 10 days and breed a new generation of head lice.
Combing can take some time depending on the hair. Girls with long thick hair will need some patience as combing will take a while. Short or thin hair will usually be a much quicker process.
The hair should be divided into 4cm sections and, using the metal teeth of the comb, run the comb from the root of the hair to the tip. After every comb wipe off the head lice and eggs on to a tissue and repeat until every strand of hair has been combed.