What to look out for when it comes to head lice!
- Scratching; when lice bite, the actual scratching is caused by the reaction to the saliva of the lice.
- Small red bumps; due to kids being irritated and scratching their heads
- Small sores may develop from scratching
- Rash may develop; some kids can be very sensitive to head lice and so will develop rashes around the neck and ears
- Kid’s complaining; kids may not actually start to feel itchy however they may start to complain about things moving around or tickling their heads
How to detect head lice early:
- Regularly check your child’s hair
- Keep an eye on how often they’re scratching or touching their hair
- If your child’s play friends have head lice, prevention is better than cure, try NitWits Anti-Lice & Detangling Spray!
- For the ultimate solution at the time of head lice infestation try NitWits All-in-One!